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How to choose a commission advance company

Lack of cash flow has long been one of the biggest business hazards for Real Estate Agents in Australia. Even the best agents are prone to intermittent cash flow because of the very nature of the business. A six week wait for commissions can be difficult to manage in the good times, and one bad month has spelled the end for more than a few solid businesses in this country. At PaidOnExchange we recognised the Real Estate industry’s need for effective short-term financing, and did something about it. The solution is very simple: real estate commission advance companies. We turn commissions owing into cash within 4 hours. With none of the red tape that banks traditionally demand, the six-week starvation period has finally been consigned to history. Don't stay awake at night worrying about your business expenses! However, not all real estate commission advance companies are created equal, so here are 7 tips to help you choose the best one for your needs: Same Day Approval – The approval process should be very quick for any real estate commission advances. The list of documents is very simple and easy to submit, and well established real estate commission advance companies should not need more than 4 hours to process your application and deposit your commission advance into your bank account. Simple Application – An online application is now the standard for real estate commission advances. The advance company you choose to work with should offer a quick application form and a very concise and clear list of documents that can be emailed or faxed. No Minimum or Maximum – Your chosen real estate commission companies should not impose a minimum or a maximum size commission that can be advanced. There should be no minimum fees either, so pay attention to the less obvious conditions that some advance companies may try to sneak in. Can Advance More Than One Deal? – Real estate agents know very well that they may require funding on several deals at one time. Although many commission advance companies have a problem with the number of advances outstanding at any time, there are well established real estate commission advance companies like PaidOnExchange that do not impose any restrictions. Approval for your commission advance does not depend on the amount, but on the conditions of each deal. Each deal is treated and assessed separately. How much real estate experience does your commission advance company have? - Don't deal with a commission advance company who does not understand nor have any real estate experience. Believe it or not some of these 'Johnny come latelys' are actual failed agents. Principal Mark Smith has been a licenced Real Estate Agent and Valuer and owned and operated a successful agency for 14 years and has worked in the industry for over 20 years. We understand real estate and have walked in your shoes! How much funding experience does your commission advance company have? This business is a little like real estate - there's always a 'johnny com lately' popping up! Over the 9 years we have been in business we would have seen at least six companies come and go. Now, you might say who cares, they're giving me money? True! But you will care when you come back for a further advance and they have either run out of funds (believe me it happens) or they simply don't have the appetite for further advances. You've made plans to grow around a reliable funding source! Now what? Don't get caught - deal with an established commission advance company! Can you manage your advances online? Some commission advance companies don't have online access. This is like trying run your property management department the old manual journal and ledger way. Once you become a member with PaidOnExchangee you will receive a secure login to our client interface where you can track all advances, check balances, print statements and apply for further advances. Having an online client interface is essential and a good yard stick of how 'invested' the commission advance company is in their business! There are a couple of companies in Australia that offer commission advances to real estate agents, so do your homework before choosing one. PaidOnExchange is the nation’s premier commission advance company. The first, the largest, the fastest commission advance company in Australia and the Agents preferred choice since 2005! Call us today on 1300 667 286 to get started or complete our online commission advance application.

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